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  • Writer's pictureJosh Brook

Autumn Home Maintenance Tips

Sydney's seen its fair share of drought and hot weather this last year so Autumn will be a welcome relief. Autumn is also a good time to think of some home maintenance tasks so here's a few you can add to your to do list.

Autumn Home Maintenance Tips


Time to trim hedges and shrubs to keep them compact for winter. Pruning plants such as roses and bushes also encourages new growth and helps plants to grow and be luscious. You should get a spurt of Autumn growth if you do this at the end of summer.

Lawns can be aerated and given some fertiliser and weeder if necessary. Lawn clippings along with deciduous leaves make for good compost so if you haven't got one already it could be a great time to invest in a compost bin.

It's also a great time to take some hardwood cuttings to propagate new plants.

Check for any termite or borer damage in trees. Also remove any dead branches in trees.

Autumn is a good time to divide perennials.


Your alarm should be inspected yearly by a professional. Plan to have an annual check in Autumn prior to winter where risk of fire can increase with the use of candles and heaters. It's a good idea to check your alarm yourself on a regular basis throughout the year.


Autumn is a good time to have your home checked for pests for termites, spiders, ants and vermin. An annual pest inspection can help save thousands of dollars in the long run if termites are involved.

Tips for Home Maintenance in Autumn


Maintaining your gutters and downpipes can prevent damage to the exterior of the house as well as potentially seeping water inside that could lead to mould or other dampness issues. If your gutters are frequently filling up with leaves from deciduous trees then consider installing gutter guards to combat the problem.


Autumn is a good time to inspect your air conditioner and perform maintenance that might be required. For more tips on air conditioning maintenance go here.


Winter will be around the corner before you know it so now is the time to seal and gaps and cracks around doors and windows. If you can't use a gap filler consider replacing anything that is damaged because in the long run you will save on heating bills.


Check the roof for any leaks and cracked tiles prior to winter setting in.

Home Maintenance for Autumn


If you have a fireplace with a chimney now is the time to have it cleaned and inspected for any faults. Combustion fires should also be checked to make sure the handle is working. It's also a good time to clean the fire.

Stockpile wood (away from the house or fences) on top of a concrete slab if possible and under somewhere waterproof.

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